Friday, April 20, 2012

How to Remove Chicken Pox Scars

Each man must have had the name smallpox. Smallpox will cause intense itching around the body d. Usually occur in patches throughout the body well in the face, hands, body and legs. Pox spots are hard to remove.

Pockmarks is to make everyone become more confident because its not good. There are natural ways to lose the pockmarks are using bengkoang fruit. Then bengkoang in the mash until smooth and given a little water and place it in the face like a mask. Do not use masks that have become or are sold in stores. Use bengkoang fruit on the market.

In addition to using bengkoang fruit, can also use sweet banana skin. Banana skin is rubbed into the affected part of smallpox. Usapkanlah this banana skin on a regular basis until the pockmarks are missing. The use of natural means should be used when the new exposed to smallpox.
Description: How to Remove Chicken Pox Scars Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Jonix - ItemReviewed: How to Remove Chicken Pox Scars

Dangers Of Drugs Without a Prescription For Children

Deaths Kimber 5-year-old Michelle Brown in February 2012 reaffirmed the dangers of drugs without a prescription (over-the-counter drugs, OTC) for children. Autopsy results released on 15 April said Kimber died from an overdose of cold medicine.
He was taking dextromethorphan, which is contained in cough syrup, the dose should be doubled. There is also another drug cetirizine in the digestive system in excessive doses.

The drugs were given by the grandmother Kimber.

Overdose of cough syrup can occur because of simple mistakes. Which should be the dose of one teaspoon, tablespoon instead. It is estimated that 70 thousand children were admitted to hospitals each year due to drug toxicity without a prescription.

Diane Murphy, MD, director of drug control agency for the children to give some hints of drug delivery to children:

1. Drugs that are labeled "children" are not meant to be given to patients of all ages. Read the user manual carefully.

2. Some medications such as aspirin can be fatal to children with measles or flu symptoms. Consult your pediatrician before giving medication.

3. Use the medication as directed. Do not give medicines to children exceeded the recommended levels for the size of the age and weight.

4. Use measuring device that comes with the particular drug. Do not use a spoon or a tool provided to other drugs.

5. Do not give medication without a prescription or cold medicine to children under two years unless advised by your doctor.

6. If in doubt, do not give medicine to your child and call your doctor. Counter medications can only treat symptoms, not causes of disease, so the risk may be greater.
Description: Dangers Of Drugs Without a Prescription For Children Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Jonix - ItemReviewed: Dangers Of Drugs Without a Prescription For Children

4 Benefits of Sauna For Skin Health

Sauna is often available in the spa or fitness center proved to have its own benefits to the skin. Relaxation is performed in the room with steam is believed to make skin brighter.
Triggers the production of collagen
According to Dr. Lawrence Wilson, a researcher and author of books about the benefits of sauna, collagen production increases when a person is sauna. Increased collagen is certainly good to encourage waste of dead skin and trigger an increase in healthy new skin cells.

Facilitate the flow of blood
When being sauna, your heart rate can be increased up to 50 percent. Because of the increase, blood flow also increased by 30-50 percent. The smooth flow of blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the skin more. The result, the skin will look healthier and fresh blush.

At least 30 percent of toxins in the body can be removed through the sweat on the skin. When the sauna, the steam heat triggers the onset of sweating a lot. As the pores open and perspiration in the body, toxins are stored under the skin, too detached. It takes at least two minutes before the body starts to heat up the sauna. Once the body starts to heat up and sweat that's where the detoxification process begins.

Help fight infection
According to researchers from the Eberhard-Karls University in Germany, sweat contains a protein called dermcidin that can help ward off bacteria. Triggering sweat during sauna may make protein into a shield that protects the body. Several types of bacteria, can be resisted by these proteins.


1. When using the sauna at a public place you should use a towel as a cushion to avoid contamination from previous users.

2. For pregnant women, people with heart disease, high blood pressure and skin owner with a specific problem should consult a health care professional before using a sauna. According to The Journal of the American Medical Association, use the sauna in the early trimester of pregnancy may increase the risk of neural defects in the vessel that could harm the fetus.

3. After the sauna do not forget to clean the whole body of the remaining oil and sweat that stick. After that apply a moisturizer on your face and body to prevent dry skin over exposed to the steam sauna.

4. Because the sauna trigger excessive sweating in the body, make sure you drink enough water before and after using the sauna to prevent dehindrasi.

5. Use the sauna the longest 15 minutes to avoid unwanted effects on the body such as the steam heat-induced dehydration, weakness, dizziness, nausea or skin is too dry.
Description: 4 Benefits of Sauna For Skin Health Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Jonix - ItemReviewed: 4 Benefits of Sauna For Skin Health

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Alcohol and Its Effect on Health

Alcohol has been consumed for many millenia by people in many different cultures. It has been used to aid in social situations and as a feel good factor. It is effectively however a poison, and should be treated with caution if its negative effects are to be avoided.

Alcohol and the hangover

When alcohol is drunk it enters the stomach where it can be absorbed. However the surface area of the stomach is not that great and normally most alcohol is absorbed further down the gastro-intestinal tract in the small intestines. Here there is a large surface area and the alcohol is quickly absorbed and taken to the liver for detoxification. If there is too much alcohol, then this will remain in the bloodstream where it will affect the brain, causing symptoms of drunkeness. The liver will get to work converting the alcohol, first to an extremely toxic intermediate substance called acetaldehyde, and then to a harmless product called acetate.

Hangover causes:
  • The intermediate product of alcohol breakdown, acetaldehyde, is responsible for many of the hangover symptoms.
  • Other substances in drink unrelated to the alcohol content, called congeners, are also thought to worsen hangovers. These include tannins in wine and propanols and glycols. Generally the darker drinks contain more congeners.
  • Dehydration leads to sickness, nausea and weakness and occurs as alcohol reduces the amount of anti-diuretic hormone leading to increased water loss.
  • Low blood sugar occurs as alcohol stimulates an insulin response that shunts all our blood sugar into cells. The brain then gets short on its major fuel, sugar. This can lead to the shakes and lethargy.

Hangover Cures:
  • Drink plenty of water. In fact the rule of one glass of water for every drink both reduces the total amount of alcohol consumed and reduces the dehydration. If you can't manage this then at least drink a pint of water before bed if you've been drinking a lot.
  • Line your stomach. If you eat fatty foods before or during drinking, the alcohol becomes trapped in your stomach where it is absorbed more slowly than in the intestines. This gives the liver more time to detoxify what comes in and avoids a build up of toxic substances in the bloodstream. This reduces levels of drunkeness and reduces the subsequent hangover.
  • Eat after drinking. The low blood sugar caused by drinking can be countered by having something to eat. Eating anything should help, but a low GI snack including some fat and protein should provide a blood sugar boost. Perhaps some porridge oats before retiring to bed and then have eggs for breakfast. Eggs contain the amino acid cysteine, which binds to some of the toxins in drink.
  • Avoid carbonated beverages such as fizzy lagers. Carbonation speeds up the absorption of alcohol.
  • Supplements and medicines can be used for hangovers. Examples include milk thistle for liver detoxification, n-acetyl-cysteine, borage, propranolol, tropiseton and tolfenamic acid. However resorting to and paying for supplements and drugs would seem unneccessary if the advice in the first 4 points was utilised. Perhaps you should consider drinking less?

Health problems related to alcohol: Chronic overuse of alcohol is associated with many unpleasant outcomes including early death. Binge drinking is also associated with significant health problems, both in the short term, and later on in life. Moderate drinking has differing effects depending upon the person, their genetics and the amount that is considered "moderate". In small regular doses there can even be some benefits. Let's have a look at some of the health issues that can result from alcohol.

  • Mental health problems.
  • Depression. Alcohol leads to a reduction in the brain chemical serotonin. The level of serotonin is related to mood and low levels lead to depression. Also low blood sugar may have the same effect in some.
  • Violence. Equally the pre-frontal cortex of the brain controls our impulsivity. Alcohol enhances the effects of the inhibitory brain chemical, GABA which prevents the pre-frontal cortex controlling our impulses. This results in erratic behaviours including violence. Not all people react this way however as brain chemistry differs.
  • Weight problems and heart disease.
  • Obesity. Alcohol contains calories and is converted into a chemical called acetate in the liver. Multiple units of acetate are then either then built up into fat or burnt as fuel. Given that sleeping is a common activity after heavy drinking, you can see that the creation of fat is the most likely outcome.
  • Heart disease. The extra fat that results from excessive drinking is a risk factor for heart disease. Also binge drinking can lead to an irregular heart rhythm that can cause heart attacks in those already with poor health. This is the reason for the glut of heart attacks in Glasgow every Monday morning when people are recovering from their drink fuelled spree over the weekend.
  • Cancers and liver disease.
  • Alcohol is associated with a number of cancers including liver cancer and cancer of the oesophagus and throat. It is the intermediate breakdown product of alcohol, acetaldehyde that is particularly associated with cancer, and this chemical is also responsible for some of the symptoms of hangover. It is a sobering thought that the discomfort of the hangover caused by acetaldehyde is doing you no good at all!
  • Liver disease is a well known consequence of chronic alcohol abuse. The liver gradually becomes inflamed by all the toxins it has to deal with. This is known as hepatitis. If chronic abuse continues cirrhosis can occur where parts of the liver turn into scar tissue and stop functioning.
  • Fertility and skin condition.
  • Fertility is affected by alcohol. Studies have shown that women drinking 6 units per week were 1/6th less likely to conceive than those who were teetotal. The more that was drunk, the bigger the effect on fertility. Given that alcohol also affects the sperm motility of men, it is best to limit yourself to very modest levels of drinking if you are trying to conceive. I would suggest less than 5 units per week for women and less than 10 for men.
  • Skin condition is affected by alcohol, with the skin disease rosacea being one possible outcome. This leads to a red blotchy appearance. On top of this a dilation of the blood vessels in the skin of the face can lead to the typical ruddy complexion of the archetypal drinker.

What is a sensible level of drinking?

The truth is that some people are better able to cope with alcohol than others. In general women and people of East Asian origin have less capacity to cope with alcohol as they have less of the enzymes needed to detoxify the alcohol. However, every individual is different, and if there is a history of alcohol related problems in your family then it is probably wise to treat alcohol with extreme care. Regular heavy drinking and regular binge drinking inevitably takes a heavy toll in time. Very few people will get away with large amounts of drink without experiencing serious health issues. This can be approximated as greater than 50 units per week for men and 35 units per week for women. However just because you have less than this does not ensure you are out of harms way. That is why the UK Government guidelines are a maximum of 28 units per week for men and 21 units for women. Even these amounts may lead to adverse health outcomes for some. The daily units associated with those weekly maximum recommended figures are 3-4 units for men and 2-3 units for women. The reason the Government came out with daily guidelines as well as weekly ones was in recognition of the fact that binge drinking was particularly harmful. My advice is that if you enjoy a drink and want to avoid any health damage then drink between 1-3 units for women or 1-4 units for men. Do this 2-4 times per week, but avoid going over this amount. Obviously having more than this leads to possible harm, but the amount of harm will vary between people. Ultimately you must judge for yourselves what value you are getting from exceeding sensible drinking levels as any enjoyment or thrill will be at some cost to your health. As a quick reminder: 1 unit is about 1/2 pint of a 3.8% "session" beer, 1 25ml single measure of spirits and less than a small 125ml glass of 12% wine (about 90ml).

Robin Dowswell
Nutritional Therapist based near Milton Keynes, UK
see for more.
Description: Alcohol and Its Effect on Health Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Jonix - ItemReviewed: Alcohol and Its Effect on Health

How To Cure a Phobia - The Natural Way

Most phobia sufferers seek help from their medical professional but often the recommended treatment is medication which many people prefer to avoid. Fortunately, there have been major advances in natural treatments and none more so than in the field of natural mind-body energy. Let's examine one of the most successful of these for people looking to cure a phobia without resorting to drugs.

Mind-Body connection

The undeniable link that exists between the Mind and the Body, known as the mind-body connection, has received a lot of excited attention over the last few years from both medical professionals and those involved in natural mind-body energy based remedies and therapies. One of the key energy therapies to emerge is based on the ancient Chinese methods of acupuncture and is called Emotional Freedom Techniques (or EFT for short).

EFT created

The founder of EFT, Gary Craig determined from his studies that negative emotions, such as fear and phobias, are caused by a disruption in the body's natural energy flow (this became the basis of the EFT 'discovery statement'). He also realised that by using a method that effectively energised the major energy channels of the known acupuncture system that it was possible to develop a one system for all approach rather than the over complicated processes of some other energy remedies.

This simplified, but highly effective, method he called EFT and gave it as a gift to the world through promotion and selfless sharing.

EFT method

EFT uses a small set of the hundreds of points identified in traditional acupuncture as places where the flow of energy runs close to the surface of the skin. These acupressure points are located on what are believed to be the channels, known as meridians, along which our natural energy flows. By simply tapping on these points with the fingertips you can improve the flow of natural healing energy around your body, including your mind! When you combine this tapping process with thoughts associated with a specific emotionally charged issue that causes you to have negative physical reactions, such as those you feel when you have a phobia attack, it is possible to remove the negative reactions brought on by the emotional issue.

How to cure a phobia

To use this entirely natural healing system with EFT to cure a phobia, you need to bring to mind something related to your phobia, such as the item or situation that causes the phobic reaction, and whilst repeating key sentences that express this thought use the EFT tapping sequence repeatedly until the physical symptoms have been reduced to nothing.

A typical example of a key sentence might be "This hatred of spiders" or "This fear of being inside an elevator". Notice that these sentences contain two important things. The first is that they include the main emotion being felt i.e. hatred or fear, and the second is they refer to a specific thing or situation i.e. 'spiders' or 'inside an elevator'. This is important because it keeps the mind focussed on a specific event and it directs the natural healing body energy to the associated emotion.

By resolving all of the specific emotions/physical symptoms associated with your phobia using this natural method, you can find rapid relieve where other methods may have failed.

Used in this way, EFT has proven itself to be a powerful and completely natural remedy for not just the emotion of fear felt by phobia sufferers, but a whole host of other emotional conditions such as depression and trauma whether induced by real experience or imaginary causes.

Take a positive step to cure your own phobia the natural way simply by clicking this link to Freedom from Fear and download your free sample.

Leslie Meehan helps people like you to overcome fear and phobias through his Right Mind-Body Energy Solutions coaching.
Description: How To Cure a Phobia - The Natural Way Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Jonix - ItemReviewed: How To Cure a Phobia - The Natural Way